From 4 until 13 March EXPOSITION D’ART ET FÊTES (COLLECTIF D’ARTISTES) EXHIBITION 1 Avenue Georges Clemenceau Céret
From 7 until 16 March EXPOSITION DE VIOLETTE GUARDIA EXHIBITION Exhibition by Violette Guardia 1 Avenue d'Espagne Céret
From 28 January until 22 March EXPOSITION MICHEL FOURQUET EXHIBITION "Painting is an experience that you build on: you start from a point and don't let it out of your sight without having a preconceived idea; along the... Rue des Écoles Le Boulou
From 5 until 29 March EXPOSITION LES SENS DES DES MOTS CALLIGRAPHIES D’HASSAN MAJDI EXHIBITION A self-taught calligrapher, Hassan Majdi was introduced to Arabic calligraphy at an early age by his maternal grandfather. As an adolescent, he contin... Avenue Léon-Jean Grégory Le Boulou
From 1 until 29 March MUSÉE NUMÉRIQUE COLLECTION "NOTRE DAME DE PARIS" EXHIBITION The Micro-Folie invites you to discover Notre Dame de Paris through works of art. 61 Avenue du Général de Gaulle Le Boulou
From 1 until 29 March "ELLES NOUS RACONTENT DES HISTOIRES" MAGDALENA, ESTELLE CANTALA, MYLENE LAMBERT, VERONIQUE BARRAN EXHIBITION Elles nous racontent des histoires" exhibition Opening on 1 March at 11am 2 Rue du Commerce Céret
From 25 January until 29 March EXPOSITION « VAL » DE LA PHOTOGRAPHE SANDRINE EXPILLY EXHIBITION Carving, tracing, shaping, modifying, organising, fragmenting, spalling, mastering (a little), taming (barely), holding back these indefatigable mount... Place Pablo Picasso Céret
From 3 until 30 March EXPOSITION DE PHOTOGRAPHIES "LE LANGAGE DES MURS" EXHIBITION Véronique GILBERT's exhibition of photographs brings together different forms of Steet Art. To be seen in the exhibition room of the Musée du Liège. O... 2 Avenue du Maréchal Joffre Maureillas-las-Illas
From 7 December until 7 September ACCROCHAGE PHOTOGRAPHIQUE « ROBERT JULIA, UN REGARD HUMANISTE » CONTEST Until 07 September 2025, the Céret Museum of Modern Art is presenting a selection of over 80 original prints by the photographer Robert Julia, togethe... 8 Boulevard Maréchal Joffre Céret
On Tuesday 11 Mar at 9:30 BÉBÉS LECTEURS TRAINING COURSE/WORKSHOP Toddlers and the world of books. Run by the Relais Petite Enfance Intercommunal du Vallespir. Open to individuals and childminders. Free entry without... Avenue Léon-Jean Grégory Le Boulou
On Wednesday 12 Mar at 14:30 « OH L'EAU ! » INTERSITES MÉDIATHÈQUE – MAISON DE L’HISTOIRE - MAISON DE L’EAU ET DE LA MÉDITERRANÉE TRAINING COURSE/WORKSHOP 3-STEP ACTIVITY I create, I learn, I play 2.30pm - 3.30pm Creative workshop: "The path of water" Creation of a small booklet. 15h30 - 16h30 "Journey t... Avenue Léon-Jean Grégory Le Boulou
On Wednesday 12 Mar MERCREDI DES TOUT-PETITS EXHIBITION Introduction to art for children aged 12 to 36 months accompanied by an adult. Free and on registration-Limited places 61 Avenue du Général de Gaulle Le Boulou