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Outdoors guided tours & in the cultural spaces of VallespirGroup tours available: Inspiration Céret / In the Heart of Céret / Street Art Cérétan / Le Boulou History / Le Boulou Thermal / Le Boulou “Belle Epoque” / Le Perthus.
Don’t hesitate to tell us about your plans for group visits.
The "P.A.H.T."
The Cross-Border Country of Art and History The Catalan Valleys of Tech and Ter
The Pays d’Art et d’Histoire Transfrontalier Les Vallées Catalanes belongs to a national network of Towns and Countries of Art and History. The national network of the Pays d’Art et d’Histoire Transfrontalier was first created as an EGTC, a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation, in 2015. The territory brings together 31 municipalities, 24 French Catalan municipalities and 7 Spanish Catalan municipalities, to which 13 municipalities will be added from Alt Empordà, to Garrotxa and El Ripollès. The Ministry of Culture and the Directorate General of Heritage assign the name of “Villes et Pays d’Art et d’Histoire” to local communities which bring to life their local heritage. The status guarantees a certain level of competence of the tourist-guides knowledgeable in architecture and heritage, and the quality of their tours. Throughout the year, guided tours are organised by tourist-guides or guides from other parts of Catalonia, which are approved by the Ministry of Culture and the Generalitat de Catalogne. For places within the Pays d’Art et d’Histoire Transfrontalier Les Vallées Catalanes, heritage is also made accessible to the entire family setting off to discover monuments and city centres through fun activities, both free and paid for. There are many opportunities to learn while having fun; get to know the “Petits Détectives du Patrimoine” (The Little Heritage Detectives) with a game booklet, or meet an endearing character through storytelling. The guides which are familiar with the many facets of the territory will be able to introduce you to the area and give you the keys to understanding the heritage of these villages.
Don’t hesitate to pick your well-informed guide’s brain and ask questions …!
7 place du Foiral – 66230 Prats de Mollo – La Preste
+33 (0) 4 68 83 99 49 / +33 (0) 6 77 58 03 49
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