The Natura 2000 site “Les rives du Tech” stretches for about 75 km from Argelès-sur-mer and Elne to Prats-de-Mollo.
These banks have been classified under Natura 2000 because they are home to habitats and animal species of Community interest. Thus, the riparian forests with black alder, draped willows and oxyphyllus ash form a mosaic of habitats. This plant biodiversity is home to an equally remarkable fauna. We can then find the Otter and the Desman of the Pyrenees, mammals subservient to the aquatic environment. This Mediterranean river also offers hunting grounds for seven species of insectivorous bats. Its waters, and those of its tributaries, of “very good” to “good” quality, are the preferred habitat of the Southern Barbel and the White-clawed Crayfish. The heritage value of this watershed is such that it is one of the rare places in France to shelter the Leprous Emyde (aquatic turtle) and the Pyrenean Euprocte (small urodele amphibian).
This biodiversity must be preserved. It is not a question of putting this site “under glass” but of managing human activities and the presence of animal and plant species as well as possible. To do so, at the start of 2012, the DOCument d’OBjectifs (DOCOB) was validated by the Steering Committee and then the Prefect. The socio-economic and ecological diagnoses of the territory are presented there. Following this inventory, conservation issues will be established and the objectives for achieving them. This long-term work will ultimately make it possible to mobilize funds to perpetuate practices that guarantee the proper functioning and preservation of the site’s ecosystems.