PARAPENTE 66 Professional paragliding school covering the eastern pyrenees plain, approved by the FFVL. You want to discover paragliding during a baptism, train to... Céret
LE SPA THERMAL - LE BOULOU The Thermal Spa Directly linked to the Thermes, the Spa Thermal is set in a chic, hushed décor of Briare enamel in Catalan colours. You can choose fr... Le Boulou
INEXTREMIS AVENTURA CANYONING Inextremis Aventura is an agency offering outdoor sports activities in the form of full-day and half-day outings, weekends and weekly breaks. Canyonin... Céret
INEXTREMIS AVENTURA Inextremis Aventura is an agency offering outdoor sports activities in the form of full-day and half-day outings, weekends and weekly breaks. Canyonin... Céret
CANYONING COTE SUD Canyoning and sunshine, the perfect alchemy for tourism in the Catalan region! Family canyoning (from 8 years old) at an advanced level, Canyoning cot... Maureillas-las-Illas
TSJ - WATERJUMP The region's only natural water jump! Whether you're a child or an adult, on your own, with your family or friends, come and share some fun and laught... Saint-Jean-Pla-de-Corts
TELESKI SAINT JEAN Water teleskiing accessible from age 10, from beginner to advanced (water skiing, kneeboarding, wakeboarding) Water jump accessible from age 4, 9 ram... Saint-Jean-Pla-de-Corts
ALOHA AVENTURE A specialist in outdoor activities, Thierry Grimaux offers a range of routes accessible to all, guaranteed to awaken your senses! Adventures in comple... Reynès
ADVENTURE TOUT TERRAIN Adventure Tout Terrain is here to help you spice up your holidays! Come and explore the canyons of the Pyrénées Orientales and leave with a lifetime o... Céret
FITNESS FORME Fitness centre open 7 days/24h, unlimited access to the cardio, muscle strengthening and bodybuilding areas, personalised programme and group classes... Le Boulou
AQUACANYON Bastien, canyoning and climbing instructor, invites you to discover the most beautiful natural sites around Céret and Vallespir. His aim is to provide... Céret